“everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances”
Will Rausch (bass fiddle/vocals)
Will wandered out to Portland after spending most his life hopping boxcars and going to grad school. He was raised in a bluegrass household and learned most of what he knows from his mandolin-pickin father. He spent many years merely listening to the high lonesome sound, but that all changed when he had lived enough heartbreak, hard times, and train wrecks that bluegrass seemed a natural form of expression. As his friend B said, Will feels lucky to be in a band with friends that make music mostly for no big reason.
Grant Raddon (guitar/vocals)
Grant rounds out Lost Creek's sound with his baritone vocal attack and fine pickin' on that Martin. Grant got his first steel-string guitar after he backed a car over his first instrument, a classical guitar. While some might consider this tale fated, those who know and love Grant find this story not-so-mystical. With the new guitar and a box-load of John Prine, Tony Rice and Doc Watson records, Grant set out to learn from the masters. Grant Minored in Flatpicking Studies while at Reed College and eventually became a contributing member of society (a high school Spanish teacher) after nearly a decade of avoiding adult responsibilities as a crab fisherman in the Bering Sea.
Kirk Miller (mandolin/vocals)
Growing up in South Louisiana, Kirk had little or no exposure to bluegrass. He started playing guitar in high school for the reason most young men do, to meet girls. Exposure to bluegrass would come later in life while attending school in Colorado and then while living in West Virginia. Portland's vibrant music scene inspired Kirk to pick up the mandolin and he has been obsessed with bluegrass ever since (just ask his wife). By day, Kirk is a mild-mannered veterinarian and lives with his wife, daughter, dog, and two cats. Kirk still plays some guitar and mandola and occasionally tortures a fiddle.
Dave Dowdy (banjo/vocals)
With his high, lonesome voice and Scruggs style banjo picking, Dave gives Lost Creek that hard drivin’ traditional bluegrass sound. He was first introduced to bluegrass when he moved to Portland in 1974. He was fortunate enough to hear local bands such as Dr. Corn’s Bluegrass Remedy, the Muddy Bottom Boys, and the Sawtooth Mountain Boys when they played the local music scene and festivals, and he fell in love with bluegrass and the banjo. He adopted a Gibson Mastertone banjo from Ian Joel, took a couple of lessons, and started jamming. Dave lists Earl Scruggs and J.D. Crowe as the influence for his banjo style, but credits hours of watching and listening to the banjo players from the local bands (Mike Eisler, Ian Joel, Jim Mills, and Rick Shubb) for helping to refine his style. A native Oregonian, he also plays guitar and fiddle and is a high school math teacher. Dave and his wife, Susan, have two boys, Brad and Gregg, and a daughter, Torrie.
Andy Emert (fiddle)
Andy grew up in Oregon and started fiddle as a child. He has competed in the National Fiddle Contest in Weiser, Idaho several times. He can be found playing bluegrass and fiddle tunes in the Portland area in backyards, front yards and porches here and there.